what may happen in May;; small hiatus(?)
Saturday, May 5 | 0 comments

However, due to
Lower Six/ Junior/ Form six coming soon!
Yeah, they are coming to our school this Tuesday. I was hoping that they come this Monday so that we don't need to learn anything at school xD I will update more about this when they arrived and finish orientations with their senpai(s) which is us~ I will capture a snapshot with my phone; the moment of glory where we will act evil-senpai(s) to our kouhai.
well... we were forced to act like a meanies because the teachers said our badge are the worst badge... =w= plus, the teacher said we never respect our seniors when we were a junior because the previous senpai(s) are too kind-hearted...
REaLLY! SENSEI! how can you do this to us especially Class D! We are INNOCENT! Yes, we didn't finish the works but that's because we are...BUSY! With projects and kelana and stuffs... Didn't sensei is the one who force us to do that useless works?!
=___= anyway... It's no good... Let's not talk about this next time... when I update about Upper Six becomes meanies xDD
Examination &Kolukium
... stre~ss!! nuuuh, not the exam but the kolukium. I was also hiatus-ing on continuing the kolukium which means... I have tons of works to do while I'm in examinations. Or maybe... I should just skip on the presentations... wait... if I do that, Pn Azizah will kill me 8I
I shall rethink about that. Oh yeah. The exam is the week after the next. The exam got postponed because of lower six... Arigatou, kouhai-tachi~ I will try to study this week and finish the kolokium in the same time. Hopefully... it's a success! Pray for me :D
Gunung Stong trip for KELANA
This one... will be going after exam. The trip will go for three days and two nights, right after exam &Kolukium presentations and in the beginning of the two weeks holiday. kinda a good thing because will be seeing whether they missed me or not :3 Will they go searching for me? It will be a present thing to see though... still moving away because still on negative thought... MEH! LET'S HAVE A LOT OF FUN with mountain climbing, swimming in the rivers and such ;D
go KELaNA GO! The final(?) fun/relaxing time for Upper Six before the last semester reached, STPM getting around the corner, stop fooling around, get on the chair and study.
Since this trip will be my last trip for KELANA to have all the kelana badge. after this... I can get higher ranks in kelana... when I finish the Kelana book xD
More Stories Updates
... Lol, since this month is examination month... My idea will fill up in my brain and this is the way to relax my mind, escaping stressful reality for awhile. So, more updates and coming soon ---Dream Forest. Though, I still didn't finish it yet, I think... It's the time to reveal the stories to all my lovely Readers ;D I really hope you guys will enjoy it! The non-stop fantasy world of mine... The other-side stories...
There are also; The Dreamers Connection and The Everlasting Oath. I will try to finish up the stories before new stories coming soon! *determined* がんばり ます!で、after this... will be doing some editing because my blogskin still un-finish :3
Well then... じゃね!
Labels: Daily-daily final school-life, Drawing-Writing Kioku