Lunar Academy 3rd Fanfiction
Sunday, January 1 | 0 comments

April 13th '12 [9.23AM]
“This is... a lie, right? She... can't... just... like that...” Refia mumbled with her beautiful ember orbs becomes cloudy in every second passed by as tears are gathering around her eyes. She just couldn't believe. Just few days ago, she talked and having fun with this person and now... those days will never return again.
When Refia falls on her knee and tears rolling from her cheek, Sora punched the wall; feeling frustrated while Harumi checked the person's breathe once again. The breath... Is slowly fading and not for long now before the person will die. “Don't... die.” she whispered slowly and then... The breathing stopped. “Don't die... CHLOE! DON'T LEAVE US!” she yelled as salty water also began to roll from her eyes, straight to the cold floor.
At that time, only sobbing sounds can be heard in one of the Lunar Academy Nurse Rooms as nobody dares to speak a word and continue to mourning over the lost of their precious friends. Without noticing, a pair of dark-purple eyes looking at them curiously and a smirk grew at the person's lips, knowing what he did before isn't such a waste thing at all. It feels great to see that sight of scene. “Now my work has ended...” he uttered as the figure disappeared into midair and the door of the room suddenly burst open revealing a familiar young blonde making a teasing smirk at them.
December 29th '11 [1.45PM]
“Have you guys heard~” Harumi speak up with smile curved at her pink lips, taking attentions from her workshop friends. Her feet can't stop being jumpy, up and down because she just couldn't wait to tell what she heard from a rumor. Even if they tried to ignore her, she will still speak up so that everyone in the Workshop can hear her loud and clear.
Feeling very curious, Kikyn quickly turns to the brunette and asked her, “what is it?! I wanna hear!” she yelled out of excitement. Usually, Harumi's announcements always causing troubles for them but this one is a rumor so, Kikyn felt that this one isn't a troublesome thing~
When Harumi giggled happily without noticing, Chloe, Namine, Sora and Refia also turn to Harumi; wanting to know about the rumor too. Harumi jumped herself on table, sitting comfortably, wearing the same smile on her face before speak up, “I heard peoples warned about never going into toilet at 11.59PM on 31 December because if you do... When you walk out from the toilet, you'll appear in different year.”
“Like what?” Kikyn wanted more explanations about the rumor.
“If you went into toilet at 11.59 on 31 December, you'll walk out in different year.” Harumi explained shortly.
Sighing, Sora looked away. “That's nonsense. Only rumor.”
“But gotta admit it's interesting, right?” Harumi smiled.
“Heh, wanna try it out?” Chloe began to sound like challenging everyone in the room.
Blinking twice, Namine uttered sarcastically, “But who's the idiot who wanted to go into the toilet when beautiful fireworks will be set in the sky in one more minute? Plus, the firework is only once a year... Though I admit it that you've gain my interest, Harumi-Senpai.”
“So, it's a 'no' then?” Refia said, wanting conclusion of the topic.
Finally, stopped smiling the brunette said the conclusion, “Yup, through I wished to see whether it's true or not but I won't sacrifice the fireworks sight just because wanting to know the rumor is true or not...”
“That's conclude we're talking about useless things. Let's continue the synthesis...” Sora suggested as he reopens his alchemist textbook and continues his experiments followed by other before Harumi also began to lost interest on the rumor and continues her work as next year... She will be a senior; the same goes for Sora and Refia. They don't want to fail on gratitude next year. For Chloe, Kikyn and Namine; they'll be sophomore so; they don't need to work as hard as the senior-to-be.
After that, all of them forgotten about the rumor that Harumi just uttered to them.
December 31th '11 [11.55PM]
Namine groaned as she scratched her blonde hair with her eyes slowly turning to a nearby clock just beside and up her bed. She blinked and rubbed her sky-blue eyes with her palm before checking the clock once more. Is it... 10.55PM? ...! Ah! It's 11 o'clock! Not 10 o'clock! Namine's eyes widen before she quickly jumping off her bed and rush to the toilet to wash her face for her to receive full consciousness. “I'm late! Late! That Chloe! She should wake me up! I've told her so!!” she cursed her classmate or roommate or more clearly, her 'rival' because Chloe knows Namine was doing many assignment at daylight and she need her rest but that doesn't meant she should abandon once a year event!
After washing her face, Namine glanced at the clock once more, checking the time. “11.57PM! Only three minutes left!” Without wasting more time, Namine dashed outside from her dorm and straight to outside Juniors' dorm towards the seniors dorm because she and her friends planned on watching the fireworks there since the senior's rooftop is the highest and the most clear place; perfect for star gazing and fireworks gazing!
When Namine reached to the senior's dorm, she stopped running and looked up to the highest floor of the building. It will be waste of time if she goes climbing stairs... Then that's settles it! “EQA!” Namine summoned her mana and a black cat appeared on her shoulder as scattered lights appear when the mana is summoned. Without Q and A, Eqa turns herself into a bright white wing at Namine's back; helping to decrease her master's weight and easier for Namine to make a high jump. One by one floor passed by Namine through her high jump by jumping to higher wall and higher wall. Suddenly, before Namine could reach the rooftop, she accidentally took a wrong landing that made her off balance. However, she quickly summons out her sword and stabbed it at the wall so that she won't fall back to where she started.
“Tch...” sounded the blonde girl. Then she noticed there's an open window nearby at where she's on sitting duck. Jumping inside as Eqa turning back into shinny ashes, Namine noticed that it's 11.59PM! Only in a few second by using Quick Run; Sora teaches her, she manage to get closer to the door lead to the outside rooftop. (three) When the door is right in front of her, Namine grabbed the door knob. (two) Then she took a short breath before twisting the door knob. (one)
In the Light Orb Bearer's eyes, round sparkle balls shoot to the sky and when it reach high enough, the balls exploded turning into beautiful fire flower in the sky. One by one fire flower sparks at the sky in each second. “Hard works paid off after all~” Namine gave a rare warm smile as her sky-blue eyes amazed by the beauty of the flowers in the sky. “HAPPY NEW YEAR~!” she shouts childishly and happily, forgetting that she should find her workshop friends right now...
January 1st [00.31AM]
The blonde girl titled her head aside and turns to her left and then her right with her eyes tired sky-blue eyes looking around for her friends. “Where's everyone?” Is her main question since she didn't saw even one of her workshop friends. Did they leave her again? Namine began to annoyed on continue searching for her friends so, she decided to just head to her dorms and began her Q and A in morning.
Yawning lightly with one of her hands closing her mouth to cover her loud yawn, Namine opened the door of her room and once again, she noticed something different about her room from before she left here. Her room isn't the only one that different but also the rooms and the building is different; noticed when she was walking on her way to her dorm. However, she decided to ignore all thanks to her tired conditions. So, its nappy time, “Oyasumi...” she mumbled after laid comfortably on her bed, pull the soft blanket and hugging a teddy bear beside her.
Suddenly, another hand flew to Namine's face making the blonde girl woke up right away from her slumber. “That's it...” she snapped and pushed her friend off her bed. Her friend is Chloe perhaps since the person has blue hair and Chloe is the only roommates that have that silky blue hair. It's gotta be her. “Heh heh~” Namine gave a smirk after realizing her wish to make Chloe off her bed. She doesn't mind Chloe sleeps on her bed but what a rough sleeper she is! Rolling left, right and up down in all night, sleep fighting and all. What is she dreaming anyway?! “Serve you right, Chloe.”
“Ah!” The blue haired girl quickly sat up after feeling the impact of falling from the bed and for a few second she lost in thought before turning to the blonde girl. “What's that for... ” Suddenly after the two pair of eyes looked to each other, both of them fell into silent.
“Who are you?” Namine asked.
“That's MY question! Who are you?! What are YOU in my bed?!” The blue haired girl said who has the same hair as Chloe but huge differences in face, eyes and appearance.
Namine groaned, “What are you talking about? This is my bed.”
“Excuse me? I've been sleeping on MY bed for a year now. So, this is MY bed!” she angered.
Suddenly, another head popped out from the second bed above the bed where Namine and the mystery blue hair girl slept just now. The person stared at the blue hair and then the blonde hair, questioning out of curiosity, “Aqua, who is that?”
“I don't know... I thought you're the one sleeping in my bed last night...” the blue haired girl named Aqua back away from Namine, afraid that the blonde girl cause harm to herself. Then, suddenly, a small light flashes beside Aqua and began to fly straight to Namine without warning.
“Namine!” a familiar voice yelped as a black cat appear on Namine's shoulder and defend the attack for her master.
Strong wind can be felt in that room as the impact of the two Mana fighting with each other; one attacking and one defending. And it seems like the offense won't stop attacking the black cat which on defend to protect her master. Then, the light gather it's strength to make a strong blow towards it's enemy that successful making the balck cat's barrier, scattered into pieces and that's not all, the blow made Eqa flew away from where she suppose to be. Finishing the mana, it's time for the light to attack Eqa's master next but she suddenly... nowhere to be found?
“Eqa!” Namine yelled with her mana in her arms as just now, she used Quick Run to caught Eqa from receiving hard knock to the wall. “Eqa, are you alright?!” Namine asked to her mana, worrying about Eqa's conditions. Eqa stood up and jumped on Namine's shoulder like it's nothing and Eqa also nodded signing she is alright and there's no harm at her. Namine smiled, “Then, let's show them, what we're made of. Since they the one that started first.” she uttered and draw out her dual sword, casting at her left is fire magic and her right is lightning magic; teached by Chloe, Namine's rival.
The small light seems like it's still on offense with its master; Aqua at it's back. “Master Aqua, I shall protect you from any harm.” the light uttered. Aqua nodded lightly and that's all the light wanted. It began to attack it's foe as Namine and Eqa also began to attack the light together.
“Sora defends the twin blade's attack on right! Refia defends the mana's attack on left!”
As soon as the command can be heard by everyone around the room, clinching sound can be heard as two dual swords and a sword meeting each other while only strong wind blows can be felt at the other side. When the dust covering everything around the room slowly fading, the person who defend Namine's attack felt shocked to see her but he still control his emotion. “Na-Namine?” Sora shocked when two pair of sky-blue eyes meets with each other.
“What happened here?” A familiar young brunette wearing small glasses asked Aqua, demanding an answer right away.
Aqua shocked to see the famous librarian in front of her and without delay, Aqua answered nervously, “A-a weird person! Appeared on my bed, Ha-Harumi-Senpai!”
Wearing a poker face, Harumi turns to the person who causes all the trouble and wished that she could just return to her previous work but when she saw the trouble maker, her poker face disappeared completely. “Na-Namine?” Harumi called the blonde's name which made Namine nodded since it's her name after all.
Namine also noticed that Sora and Refia also staring at her like they are very shocked to see her while they just meet yesterday, right? “Sora... Ref-Senpai and... Harumi-Senpai...” Namine called the three senpai's names before blurted unconsciously, “Why do you guys looked older than before?”
“NAMI-CHAN~” Harumi yelled as she dashed toward Namine, hugging her to death.
“Se-senpai?” sounded Namine in confuses.
Sora only smiled light and turns his keyblade back into lights fragments. “Took you long enough to return, Namine.”
“Welcome back Namine!” Refia smiled cheerfully.
Still in confusion, Namine asked, “What with you guys? We just meet yesterday, right?” while looking around, noticing they are in the center of attentions. In their face, written shocked, impressed, amazed and much more.
Wiping her tear, Harumi smiled cheerfully and uttered like it's a normal thing to happen, “What are you talking about? Our last meeting isn't yesterday but last year before New Year.”
January 2nd '13 [2.19PM]
Feeling the gentle wind passing through her, Namine stared at the white lilies that surrounding her at where she always spends her time, thinking and dreaming. This is always be her special spot and glad that nothing much changes around here after one year. "One year, huh?" she mumbled between her breath as she began to think back what her senpai told her yesterday.
They said that last year before New Year, Namine suddenly disappeared without a single trace or any trace at all. They have searched for her all this time until they had a sudden ‘wake up call.’ “What kind of wake up call?” Namine wondered. Plus, yesterday… Harumi and Refia showed her around the school and Namine notice that there’s something odd about her senpai…
“NamiChan, let’s go.” A voice suddenly speaks up behind Namine’s back. The blonde turns around and saw Harumi standing beside her.
This… is weird. “How did senpai know I’m here?” Namine questioned. All she knows that she never told anyone about this place. It’s her secret place and will ALWAYS be her secret.
Harumi blinked and just answered directly. “Used my mana to know where your location is.” She said and pulled Namine’s hand to help her stand up. “Come. I have much more work to do. Let’s go to the workshop. I’ll introduce some new peoples who joined the workshop…”
Namine nodded and followed her senpai’s steps silently. “Harumi… is not Harumi at all…” she whispered quietly and looked at Harumi while looking around. Every time they passed a student, the student will bowed down, respect Harumi but Harumi just passed them. Namine noticed that the students… are scared of Harumi? “Weird…” she uttered unconsciously.
“What did you said?” Harumi asked looking at Namine with no emotion at all. Harumi… supposes to be childish and playful… What happened to her? “Ah, we are here.” The brunette speaks up before Namine could reply back to Harumi’s previous question. Harumi opened the door of the workshop and Namine felt… different somehow.
The glasses brunette just walks into the workshop toward someone who is sitting down, looking at another person who is sleeping on the floor. Suddenly, Harumi just kicked the person’s back without any sympathy. “Night, stop what are you doing. Saki is tired.”
The person called Night has black hair and onyx eyes, wearing black t-shirt and grey trouser. “But that doesn’t meant you can kick me, you devil!” Night angered, closing a marker pen he holding.
“Like I care. You’re just a mana anyway. So, stop disturbing your master in her sleep.” Harumi said shortly.
Night scratched his head as he stared at Harumi’s eyes. “Whatever.” He said annoyingly and then he noticed someone standing at the door. “Yo~” he greeted and just looked at Namine curiously, receiving a small nervous laugh for the blonde.
While that, Harumi walks toward another person sleeping on a table, “Shirogane-sensei, we have a visitor or more clearly. She is one of the workshop members.”
“MEMBERS?!” suddenly Saki woke up from her sleep.
Without looking at Saki, Harumi walks away from Shirogane and sat on her chair, opening a book from the table and started reading. Notice that Refia actually there too but she just reading her book without looking around.
“… where is Sora?” Namine speak up.
“He is doing a mission right now. He always does that since last year.” Saki answered as she stood up, looking at Namine. “So, you must be Namine~ Heard a lot of you since I joined the workshop last year. Harumi, Refia, Sora and other two members were making a fuss about your disappearance last year.”
“They did?” Namine smiled inside before she noticed something. “Two other members? Ah, that’s reminded me. Where are Chloe and Kikyn? I wished to see their old appearance as well, heh heh~” she asked, looking around but received no answer.
After a few minutes of silent, Shirogane managed his green coat and uttered, “Chloe and Kikyn…” Before Shirogane continues his speaking, he turns to Harumi and Refia whose are taking interest but their eyes shows sadness and agony while Saki just looked curiously at Shirogane. “Chloe… She died in April 13th and Kikyn… She disappeared.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding, right?” Namine completely shocked to hear what the sensei just said and of course who could believe it, right? However, when Namine noticed what showing at Refia and Harumi’s faces then… It’s true? “HOW? WHY? WHEN?!” she yelled.
Suddenly, the door of the workshop can be heard as Sora walks into the room and sat down on a chair, “After your disappearance, we searched for you… The five of us working and researching about your disappearance. We learned many things and found out that your disappearance has something to do with the Time interruptions…” Sora explained as if he heard Namine’s question.
“You have disappeared in between of before and after New Year. That is when time is easy to corrupt and when you open a door, another door leads to the future are opened. ” Harumi explained.
After hearing Harumi’s explanations, Refia began to explain more, “We… wanted to find you, so we tried doing experiments on opening a dimensional hole… Breaking the rule… It was a success.” Refia smiled, remembered how happy they were when the gate opened but then, her eyes turns to agony, the same as Harumi and Sora. “But then Time Mana… The Time Mana suddenly appeared in front of us. It… was going to put a curse of death to us because breaking the rule but Chloe manage to cover it for us as she is the only one who taking the curse and after that… Kikyn pissed and just ran inside the hole before it closes… ” They sweat dropped.
“After that, we try to heal Chloe but the curse only can be lifted by the Time Mana itself and… we are running out of time… Then… She died.” Harumi explained sadly.
“That’s successful make us a wake up call. The real purpose failed and friends just disappeared like that… We don’t want it to happen again…”
“So, you all give up?” Saki the one that asked them before Namine could say anything. Sora, Refia and Harumi just looked away; don’t want to answer the question. “No wonder after that you guys aren’t… you guys at all!” Saki yelped.
“So, that’s the reason.” Shirogane uttered silently.
“I… can’t accept this…” Namine said what’s inside her heart. “I can’t accept that Chloe died, Kikyn stupidly killing herself and most of all… You guys GAVE UP?!” Namine snapped. She just couldn’t accept this change. Really, she doesn’t mind if the buildings change but her friends… She doesn’t want her friends to become a strangers… “Harumi should be childish and playful… Refia should be smiley and talkative… And Sora… I don’t know want you have changed to but I’m certainly doesn’t like it.”
“Then, what are you going to do about it?” Refia questioned.
Namine stand up straight proudly and said what she wanted, “I want the old place. The happy, fun and loud yet stupid place! I want to change this future! I want to return to my own time! No stupid rules and mana can stop me!”
“No! I won’t allow it! I don’t want to lose another friend…” rejected Refia.
“We won’t! I’m sure it will be fine! I am sure of it!” Namine said with full of confident but still, Refia, Harumi and Sora doesn’t seem like they going to agree with her… Is she alone on doing this?
“Aha~ it will be fun!” Saki uttered with a happy smile curve at her lips. “Count me in!” she said happily.
“You got guts… I’ll help out too.” Shirogane blurted.
Harumi and Sora groaned. “Sensei… You too?”
“Please! Let me join too!” another voice suddenly can be heard inside the room. Everyone turns to the voice owner and it belongs to a familiar girl wearing a hat on her head, has blue hair and teal eyes. “After hearing what Namine-senpai just said… it makes me feels like I want to help out too!”
“Do I know you?” Namine asked innocently and everyone sweat dropped.
“I am Aqua! We slept together yesterday.” Aqua said loudly, introducing herself.
Suddenly, Night appeared, “Slept together? I can’t believe it~ you are a-”
Saki knocked Night’s head right away. “Shut up, pervert.”
Aqua walks toward Namine slowly and reached her hand. “I may not know senpai but seeing senpai’s determination… I feel like wanna be a part of it… Please… Make me one of your workshop members ‘last year’!” begged Aqua.
The blonde smiled and nodded, “Alright. Last year, I will drag you.”
“So, now what should we do?” Saki asked. Then, everyone become silent. None of the new members know what the last members do to open the gate… Should they start from the beginning?
Suddenly, Harumi stepped forward in front of Namine, Aqua, Saki, Shirogane-sensei and others. “First of all, Aqua and Refia will research back what we obtain during our research last year. Me, Saki and Sora will find the material. I’m sure Sora remembered all since he did find the most material last time. All right?” Harumi smiled at Namine along with Refia and Sora.
“But what if…”
“Then we’ll die together and I’m sure the Time Mana won’t let us live again.” Sora cuts her little sister’s words.
“What about me and this blonde, sensei?” Shirogane chuckled, seeing that Harumi does all the ‘sensei’ work now by commanding peoples around. Well, the future Harumi is called the Devil Prefect after all but she isn’t a prefect for nothing.
Harumi giggled like she used to before and that shocked Saki, Aqua and Shirogane and especially Saki’s mana; Night. “We have a strooong enemy once we open the hole. Since sensei is a sensei, it will be alooot easier to search for the Time Mana weaknesses because Time Mana is one of the legend mana and only the teachers are allowed to investigate it. So, NamiChan and Shirogane-sensei will be investigate about Time Mana~ That’s all~ Now let’s go!”
“OOH!” everyone cheered together before starting to do their own jobs.
January 28th ’13 [11.55PM]
“Is… everything set?” Aqua said nervously as she turns around and looked at her senpai’s faces. Namine also smiled nervously along with Refia and Saki while Sora with his poker face. For Harumi and Shirogane, both of them are talking with each other about the dimensional hole. It’s kinda shock to hear that Shirogane-sensei actually already used to traveling through time and space but he never intend to change the future, maybe that’s the reason why the Time Mana doesn’t hunt him.
Sora looked around and nodded, “I think it’s set since I’ve remembered all the material correctly. Even checked during Ref and Aqua’s research if I missing anything.” He said with confident and he gotta that with Saki and Harumi’s help; the materials managed to be found faster than before. Saki is on offence as he is while Harumi analyzing enemies movement. Before this it took one month and a half to gather them all. Thank god.
“Th-the material have been synthesis correctly… Shirogane-sensei also helped me synthesizing… I think it would be fine.” Refia said nervously.
“Of course it will!” Night suddenly appeared behind Refia. “Because I helped you guys!” he standing straight, proud of himself before knocked by his master.
“Didn’t I’ve told you never appear without my permissions?” Saki angered receiving small chuckles and laugh from others.
“Let’s begin it.” Harumi speak up after discussing with Shirogane-sensei. Before turning her eyes to the sky-blue orbs, Harumi looked at the floor and then her friends. “Are you ready NamiChan?” the brunette also asked nervously.
Quietly, Namine left out a small sigh along with a smile before looking at her future friends, senpai and also… Future kouhai; Aqua. “I’m ready…”
“Alright, then… Ref and sensei… Please active it now~” Harumi said as she and others back away from both of them.
After that, Shirogane throws a small dark fragment to the sky and when it’s high enough, Refia summoned her white staff and began to cast a spell at the fragment. A huge purple magic circle appeared below her and began to shining brightly. When Refia finished her casting, the magic circle began to shine more bright than before as the dark fragment becomes bigger and slowly, turning into a hole that connects to space and time; The Dimensional Hole.
“It’s ready” Refia uttered slowly and like before, she fainted after using a strong magic to open the hole.
Shirogane stepped forward and looked around the hole. “That Time Mana… Is smart. It doesn’t want to appear here because it knows it’s not match against us all… So, what’s now? Only Namine can enter the hole since she the one who have to return to the past… ” The sensei explained to his students. It isn’t a bright decision to let from the future to the past so, Namine should go alone. However, since he and Namine work together during the research of the Time Mana weaknesses, he sure that Namine knows what he knows about the Time Mana; bright decision on making him and Namine work together to find the Mana’s weaknesses.
“Then, we believe in you, Namine.” Refia said cheerfully yet sad. Hope everything work out.
“We are counting on you, Namine!” Sora encourages his little sister.
“It will fun when I join your workshop, Namine!” Saki uttered while hushing Night who is crying right now.
“Don’t forget about me, senpai-to-be!” Aqua smiled.
“All the best, NamiChan!” Harumi smiled as she patted Namine’s head. “Please tell the past ‘me’ that wearing glasses will make me feel look cool~ and becoming a perfect… it’s boring and not fun at all~” she whispered with a small chuckled.
Namine laughed lightly before smiling while looking everyone around her. “Ittekimasu!” she said loudly.
“Itterasshai~!” everyone replied as Namine disappeared into the dimensional hole.
When the Dimensional Hole has completely close, Namine draw out her dual sword and summoned her Mana as she ready to battle against the Time Mana, alone. “Time Mana! Come OUT! Show me the hole that leads to my own time!” Namine demanded.
“You sure got guts, Light Orb Bearer.” A person wearing dark purple clothes appear in front of Namine. Before looking back to Namine, the Time Mana looked at his watch and then grinned, revealing his dark-purple eyes. “I am Jigen the Time Mana. Not like the ordinary Time Mana, I am the mana that guards and protects the time and space. You, Light Orb Bearer dares to change the future? I won’t allow it.” He threatens Namine.
However, Namine has prepared for this, so she doesn’t feel nervous at all. In fact she is excited. “Hush, hush stop talking and let’s battle already.” The blonde yelled as she cast fire magic at her right and lightning magic at her left.
Jigen grinned and suddenly disappeared from Namine’s sight. “Aiming to my watch, huh?” he whispered as he appeared behind Namine. “But before you’re going to destroy it, how can you reach it?”
“EQA!” Namine yelled and Eqa quickly turns herself into self-defense armor so that Namine’s reflects will be high and she could easily dodge fast attacks. Right after that, she defends the attack with her left sword and counter attack with her right sword, however, Jigen disappeared once more and reappeared behind and not only that, at his hand there a sword. Before Namine could reflect it again, the sword already slashed Namine’s back but good thing Eqa still in armor form. The damage isn’t bad for Namine but on the other, hand Eqa the one got injured. “EQA!”
Jigen reappear once more in front of Namine and grinned. “This sword is made for slaying Mana… It must be hurt, isn’t it?” Jigen chuckled as he return the sword back into a dimensional hole.
“I’m sorry, Namine…” apologized Eqa as she turned back into a black cat because the pain is too much, they didn’t except this at all. Plus, the sword has canceled magic powers to both Namine and Eqa. So, they have to fight without using or casting magic.
“Hn, for a sophomore-to-be, you’re good but you have to be above senior to be beat me. Still being just a senior, will still be hard to beat me.” Jigen laughed and began to attack Namine once more using a saber this time.
Quickly, Namine defend the attack but then, another attack came right after she defend it. He’s fast!Namine thought but everyone is counting on her! She can’t give up! The future is on her shoulder…Alone. Namine continues to avoid the attacks by reflecting them using her dual sword until Jigen stops his attacks. Attacking pointlessly like this isn’t his his real intentions.
After he stopped his attacks, Jigen back away from Namine, leaving the saber and took out a gun from another dimension hole he created. Without wasting time, he stood the bullet aimed direct at Namine.
The blonde caught startled and quickly moves her head aside to dodge the bullet but the bullet manage to leave a scar at her temple. “Tch…” she cursed.
“Haha~ This is fun, Light Orb Bearer!” shouted the time mana as he began to shoot more bullets toward Namine while she having a hard time on dodging the attack.
The Light Orb Bearer quickly lowered her height to dodge a high bullets aimed at her head and uses her dual sword to cover her face from the gun shots. The shots manage to hit her leg, waist and hands. “I… Can do this! Tch!” Namine began to frustrate as she received countless of pains around her body.
“What’s wrong, Light Orb Bearer? Gave up already?” he sneered the blonde.
Smiling lightly, Namine dashed forward toward her foe when there’s no more bullets aimed at her and then, she slashed Jigen with her right sword but easily defended by the foe. Noticing her attack was defended; Namine pushed her sword front and jumped backwards before throwing her left sword toward the mana. Like before, he cancel the attack by slashing the sword away from his sight but he didn’t notice that there’s another sword aimed toward him. The sword hits Jigen’s stomach making him stumbled and hissed in pain.
“Yesh!” Namine smiled and summon back her swords back into her hands. “Once more!” she yelled but the Time Mana just out from her sight.
“No more playing around…” he uttered and suddenly, the time stopped by using his watch. At that time, Namine froze. No breath, no movement, no nothing from her. Only the Time Mana can move. He then kicks Namine’s stomach hardly before running the time back.
When the time back running, Namine felt her stomach is in pain and could bear to hold it anymore. Plus the kick also made Namine flew away from where she standing because of the hit. I… need help… She closes her eyes, waiting for the pain to arrived at her back but instead of a rough surface, she felt soft instead. Namine opened her eyes slowly and turns to her back with a smile, “se-senpai…”
“I’m here~” Harumi said childishly.and continued her speaking, “I forgot that if the future changes we won’t exist, right? The ‘devil’ Harumi won’t exist so, meaning we’ll disappear after this and… You’re not alone in this. Plus, I forgot that being the leader is troublesome. So, don’t ever let ‘me’ become the leader in past.” Harumi smiled.
“H-how did the three of you came here?!” shocked Time Mana. This isn’t suppose to happen unless…
“Someone told us about this and ask for us to come and help Namine.” Sora walks in front and disappeared from everyone’s sight. He reappeared on air and passed a huge flame ball cast by Refia to the right. Sora disappeared once again and reappear next to the flame before hit it with his keyblade to the left. He repeated the steps again and again until the flame becomes more powerful and faster. Then, finally he hits the flame hardly toward the Time Mana who unable to predict Sora’s moves.
The flame attack is a success and it’s a critical hit! The impact is huge and made tick dust everywhere, making the four of the unable to know the enemy’s position.
“Sora jump! Refia! To the left!” Harumi ordered and the order is followed right away. Harumi quickly lifted Namine and jumped away from where she was standing. There’s a huge amount of bullet shots at everywhere they saw standing, good thing they are fast!
“So, you can know what the enemy’s movement… There’s a magician and a warrior too… Good combinations.” Jigen amazed.
“Heh heh, yeah. Kuro can analyze positions and when we combine, he can know what enemies next attack will be.” Harumi proudly tells her powers.
“But you can’t go offence, can you?” The Time Mana smiled and everyone including Namine knew this is Harumi’s biggest weaknesses. This is a trouble. If Harumi knocked down then it will be tough to defeat the mana.
“Aha~ I can’t and I knew along time ago~” Harumi grinned as Refia suddenly dashed forward toward their foe and a blue magic circle created right away. When she is on the ground, uncountable sharp ices shot directly to the Time Mana.
Knowing this, Jigen quickly took out another sword from the dimensional hole and then the sword burst into flame before he swings the sword, making all the ices turn into water or gases. “Is that all?” Jigen teased as he stops the time once more. Like before, only Jigen able to move. Both Refia, Namine and Harumi froze just like the time. “Heh” Jigen grinned before realizing something. “whe-”
“Right HERE!” Sora yelled as he revealed his eyes and suddenly, Jigen frozen and unable to move. It’s like he also froze because of the time has stopped. “Lethal Flame!” Sora dashed forward and slashes the mana for a few times before she stops swinging his blade as the time begin to flow again.
The Time Mana’s unscratched body suddenly becomes scratched everywhere and also… His watch broke into pieces. “No wonder… The Dark Orb Bearer and a Dragon warrior to that…” mumbled Jigen before falling down, defeated by Sora’s attack.
“Heh heh, we have won~” Refia cheered happily and then the four of them high-five together.
“Now, without wasting more time…” Harumi walks toward the Time Mana and grabbed his collar, pulling closer. “Change the future… Show us the way to change the future or die” Harumi threaten the mana with soft smile yet, dark and scary smile, plus dark aura also can be felt coming from Harumi.
“Ceh!” The Time Mana suddenly open a portal for them and he also give a potion to Harumi. “And take this potion to heal your friend from my curse…” Harumi blinked and hesitated for a second before taking the potion. “Hurry or the future won’t change.” The Time Mana smiled.
“HarumiSenpai! Hurry up!” Namine tried to stand up and reached the potion before walking into the Dimensional Hole. Refia and Sora quickly followed Namine while Harumi followed them hesitantly. It’s… too easy…
April 13th '12 [9.23AM]
“This is... a lie, right? She... can't... just... like that...” Refia mumbled with her beautiful ember orbs becomes cloudy in every second passed by as tears are gathering around her eyes. She just couldn't believe. Just few days ago, she talked and having fun with this person and now... those days will never return again.
When Refia falls on her knee and tears rolling from her cheek, Sora punched the wall; feeling frustrated while Harumi checked the person's breathe once again. The breath... Is slowly fading and not for long now before the person will die. “Don't... die.” she whispered slowly and then... The breathing stopped. “Don't die... CHLOE! DON'T LEAVE US!” she yelled as salty water also began to roll from her eyes, straight to the cold floor.
At that time, only sobbing sounds can be heard in one of the Lunar Academy Nurse Rooms as nobody dares to speak a word and continue to mourning over the lost of their precious friends. Suddenly the door is burst open revealing a familiar young blonde making a teasing smirk at them. It is Namine with the antidote in her hand.
“Na-namine?” everyone uttered together.
Without wasting more time, Namine quickly walks toward Chloe who is on the bed now and gave her the antidote by pouring the dust antidote around her body. Though her breath disappeared, she got a few minutes more before her soul truly leave the body. Slowly, the antidote disappeared into Chloe’s body and she… began to breathe once more.
“C-Chloe is saved?!” Refia uttered and could believe what just happened. She cheered happily and hugged, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! NamiChan!” she said happily and actually their actions are watched by the future Sora and Refia while Harumi is still in her mind, thinking about something.
“This is odd…” Harumi uttered and she summoned her mana right away before becoming one with her mana. After that, Harumi closes her eyes and her scent is telling something bad is going to happen. Then suddenly, Harumi walks out from her hiding place and yelled, “GET AWAY FROM CHLOE!!”
“Huh?!” everyone around Chloe bed shocked hearing and saw another Harumi in their sight. Before they could register what’s going on, Chloe suddenly revealed her eyes and jumped next to her bed to grabs her saber and stabbed the present Harumi, making her chest oozed with blood.
Seeing the present Harumi oozed with blood, the future Harumi began to fading away. “T-that’s not the antidote… We’ve been tricked.” She said slowly before fading into midair.
“Ha-HarumiSenpai!” Namine yelled and the next thing she knew, the present Sora also stabbed through his chest, making the future Sora also faded; the same as Harumi. “So-Sora!” Namine called her brother’s name. The present Refia is Chloe’s next target but the future Refia quickly cast a barrier to herself and Namine for them to avoid another lost.
“Stay INSIDE!” Refia commanded to her present and Namine.
However, namine didn’t hear what Refia just said because she shocked to see what happened to her friends with only a few seconds, they… died. Scared of seeing Harumi and Sora’s blood, she unconsciously back away, leaving the barrier and making herself Chloe’s next target.
“If change the future you want, then you successfully changing it~” a person with dark-purple eyes that appear next to Chloe through a Dimensional Hole. It’s the Time Mana! “Go, my servant!” Jigen ordered and Chloe obeyed right away by dashed forward, wanting to stab Namine at her chest as well. The target stumbled and her feet still trembling because of the sudden kill. She only able to close her eyes, waiting for the attack to reaches her.
“DODGE! NAMINE!” a voice yelled, pushing Namine aside and successful on dodging the attack. Before Namine could figure who the person is, the savior quickly pulled Namine’s hand, passing by the Time Mana and straight into the Dimensional Hole in lightning speed.
Both of Namine and the savior took a long and deep breath for a few times together they are inside the hole. After the blonde caught her breathe, she titled her head aside, wanting to look at the person’s face. “Heh, the future finally been restored…” the person said as her body is also fading slowly. Then, the savior turns to Namine with a bright smile. Namine, knows who this person is…
“Ki-Kikyn?!” Namine called her savior’s name.
“Don’t let my and their sacrifice waste, alright NamiChan!” Kikyn speaks up as she faded completely.
“Kikyn!” Namine called her first friend’s name loudly.
In the same time, the Time Mana appeared and looked at Namine annoyingly. “This is getting troublesome. You have to die right away before something else happen!” Jigen angered as he took out a sword from the dimensional hole and attacks Namine.
The Light Orb Bearer, quickly summon one of the dual sword and defend the strong blow. The blow… Is strong and because of her bad conditions, Namine falls on her knee. “I-I have win!” Namine said with determinations but the pain at her body is too much to endure.
“Geez, you’re nothing without me, isn’t it? … Nami?”
“T-that voice!” Namine turns to the sky and saw something falling from the sky with a sharp edge of a saber is aimed toward the Time Mana. The mana noticed the existence of another opponent, so he wanted to dodge the attack but Namine quickly summoned her other sword and stabbed the sword into the ground along with the mana’s robe before dashing away from the mana.
“Take this!” yelled the saber user, none other than Chloe; Namine’s rival as her attack is a success and not only that; it’s a critical hits thanks to Namine’s sword that made the mana unable to move and dodge the attack.
The Time Mana smiled, “You’ve won… Go change the future but I won’t guaranty it’s the best choice to change it…” said mana before fading into midair.
Finally… Namine dropped her sword to the ground as her knee also falls to the ground. “We have won…” cried Namine and then, she stood up, looking at a hole that leads to April 13th. “I need to change… Chloe, Sora, Refia and Harumi and Kikyn too… I don’t want them to die…” she mumbled as her feet are taking steps toward the hole.
Suddenly, another person appears in front of Namine blocking her way to April 13th.
“Move away…” Namine demand but the person didn’t move even a little from where the person is standing. “I SAID MOVE AWAY!” Namine wanted to tackle the person but stopped by Chloe.
“Nami… Walking to that hole isn’t going to restore the future.” Chloe said gently as she began to pats Namine’s head and made her laid her head on her shoulder. “It will be alright… This person will lead us to our real time. If you didn’t disappear before New Year, that event won’t happen believe me, Nami. This person also is the one who asked me to follow him/her to help you. That’s why I didn’t wake you sleepy head because this person and I knew you’ll travel to the future and also... I don’t want to lose you… yet… Till I bet your high scores~” Chloe explained gentle, calmly and teasingly, wanting to make Namine know that she is here and still alive.
“Hehehe, what will you do without me..” Namine laughed though she is still crying.
Chloe also laughed, “I think you know it better than I do~” she smiled before she and Namine watched the April 13th hole closes on its own.
Out of blue, another hole is opened making Chloe and Namine startled. The unknown person pointed her/his finger to the hole, signing that they should hurry up and went inside.
“Could you please speak up? It’s like you doesn’t have a mouth…” Chloe felt annoyed by the unknown person’s actions. Actually, the person tells Chloe about Namine’s traveling by writing on a paper and since Chloe believes in weird things, she easy to understand it. Chloe thought the person doesn’t have a voice but he/she can said, ‘Ah! Ergh.. and troublesome’ in low voice.
The unknown person shook his/her head side by side and pointed his/her finger once more at the hole. Chloe sighed, finally gave up of her curiosity to know about the person and just jumped into the hole.
After Chloe, it’s Namine’s time to jump in. Before she jumps inside, Namine looked at the person, “I wanna say… Thank you but… Please tell me who you truly are?” she begged but the person just stand quietly till suddenly, the person’s pointing finger touched his/her lips and mumbled something.
December 31th '11 [11.59PM]
Namine blinked twice before realizing she is standing on a familiar cold floor with her hand holding a door’s knob. Did she return to the right time or not? Namine checked a watch on a nearby wall and sure she is on the right time. Suddenly, the blonde heard something exploded through the door in front of her. “Sounds like… Hanabi!!” she yelped and opens the door.
“Ah, NamiChan. Just in time~” Refia said cheerfully before turning back to the beautiful sight of fireworks. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she uttered once again.
Smiling lightly, Namine nodded, “Yes, it is…” she said softly and turns to her other friends. Chloe, Sora, Harumi and Kikyn are standing around her. They are here… By her side. “Thank god…” she felt grateful and continues watching the fireworks.
‘A secret but we will meet in the future.’ The unknown person’s last word before Namine went inside the hole rang inside her mind that made Namine smiled right away.
‘Can’t wait to figure who you’re, new friend…’
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