Tired and rest is needed~
Wednesday, January 25 | 0 comments
In the last previous days, I've been doing shoooo many things.
I don't remember the details but~
I'm helping my cousin's wedding.
Playing bowling with other cousins. (I'm No.3 in the pic. The result shall be remained as a secret~)
Helping cooking for Tahlil making Roti John and sorry that it's a little bit messy because humans never stop lining up for the food.
And in the last day, helping giving candies and making rojak for the visitors.
As a reward, we went to the Hot Spring in the middle of the night after 12 O'clock. Sorry there no picture because I'm not myself at that time ::face palm:: But the hot spring healed my leg though, it's still hurts but not much like before.
Kinda tired but had so much fun and that's not all~ The most fun thing is what happening in my Roleplayer Cluster;; A group in Facebook and the BEST!
I become the Vice-President of the group, helping my King♥
Good thing I didn't become the King and by threat them... Nobody vote me~
However, everyone vote for me in becoming VP DDx
Owh, man. Guess I have work to do... But I don't want the group just become silent like others. So, I made an event from them♥
The last event that we accomplished is Gathering.
Due to some problems, the King♥ order us to Spam the other members~ We ALL did it; Chloe(King♥), NamiChan, Saki, Roxas, Yuffie, Aqua, Refia/Mayu, Luneth and me.
We talked about sea-salt ice-cream, war, King and Queen, Impostor King <---[that's me xDD] and sooo much things! But I didn't last long... Someone else took over and I just sat at the corner... The King♥ said I was being scary... ::sigh::

The person who reached the 1000th comment is the winner and Yuffie won but... actually... I delete one of the comment, my comment before we reached 1000th comment.
It's a secret because I don't want to get into a trouble with the members DD8
So, yeah. The person before Yuffie's comment was actually the winner but let just ignore that~
Now, on going event is Writing Contest. Planned by me, the VP because I noticed the members are creating stories, so I thought it would be fun if I there's a contest about it...
However, gomen that there's no reward. I'm doing it for fun, extending creativity and closer bonds between members~ So, no Kit-kat for you, Aqua
However some part of me just let it go~ He will just talks to anyone he wanted. That is sooo like him(Natsu♥).
::stretched hands:: I think that's all~ ja ne~
- The Forgotten Memories Retrace #1 (finished but won't post till the Story banner finished.)
- Running Man episode 78 [Link].
- Editing blogger design. [coming soon]
Labels: Daily-daily final school-life, Drawing-Writing Kioku, Memoir Roleplayer Cluster