Friday, January 13 | 0 comments

Because he and she have a GREAT drawing skills! Especially HE!
He can draw anime and looks very, very cute<33 Wanna see? It's at the left~ Cuuute, nee? *sob* *sob*
And he is only 15 turning 16 too... ::sigh::
Age is not the point... I admire his works! LOVE THEM ALL~
He is one of my top anime drawer that I admire sooo much!.
Btw... if the drawing is noo good... I will laugh xDD Gomen ne, Anis &Fatin~
Aria, you did a good work though you can't draw hands. LOLOL...
Haha, ::looked down:: all I do is taking about others drawing... what about mine? If my drawing is no good, I will do better next time! Drawing is my passion! I will keep on practice and practice till it looks better!
Nothing can stop meee! Muahaha~ xDD
And my best friend's drawing... Very good<33 Though mine are better xDD But her drawing can attract others, unlike mine... Koori<3<3 NarahashiSama<3<3<3 Love them both!!
Owh, yeah... My school work still un-finish yet... IGNORING!! It's weekends anyway~ Time to get many rest and online and watching anime<3 Though, I will do the school work later~
Now... About writing stories... I'm thinking of re;write Lunar Academy 3rd FF.
Actually made it in hurry so that all my friends can read it before they leave for boarding school etc.
Here is what I'm gunna add;;
- Namine, Chloe &Kikyn vs Jigen~ (they didn't appear much, so I wanna get Chloe and Kikyn in the spot-light.)
- Shirogane &Saki in battle field? ( Can't write them... cuz, no idea xDD)
I think only that. Just going to remake the battle scene of Chloe, Namine &Kikyn.
Of course, I will post them here and not in FB~ tis a secret scene~ 8DD
For readers and follower~ Hope you guys gonna love it<3
Be whoever you are. It's our right to be who we are meant to be. And EVERYONE should have that right. No matter what race you are, sex you are, person you love, religion you practice.
We will live in a better place when we become better people. When we become understanding people. When we become loving people.
This is what I believe.
Labels: Daily-daily final school-life, Drawing-Writing Kioku