Alone in McDonald.
Monday, May 21 | 0 comments
Well, yeah... It's true and just happened right after school. I had history exam just now and it's... okay la. I'm still the same, lazy to finish all the essay given in the exam. Only do half-ass job. After the exam, I found out Tsukiko left me because she didn't know I came to school... well it's because we have different time of recess and exam(note/ we aren't iin the same class). She has Math before recess while I have history after recess, so no wonder we didn't meet up with each other.
Oh, yeah. There's one thing that I still didn't mention in this blog... My mom has work. Before this, she is just a housewife and now, she a cooker in UiTM Cafe in Selayang, Medic course. It's a new place, so it's kind of scary walking around the campus and hall. I also decided not to go there in near future because of something...
Anyway, since she has work... nobody will be at home. There's a problematic problems that made me unable to go home so, I suppose to stay at Tsukiko's place but lazy to go there because we were quiet and didn't talk to each other recently. I don't care and I don't mind. There's a side of me care but for me... I don't.
So, instead of going to Tsukiko's place, I went to Rawang alone. With a permission from my mom, of course. I'm not a bad students/daughter.

I used to doing things alone. So, I just eat, eat, eat and while that... *grins* observing what happen in my surrounding. And then... an idea come~
it's just a small one-shot, so I'll just write here. This is what I wrote in my notebook;
Seeing peoples passing by makes me wondered what I am doing here all alone because every time when I saw someone passed by, I noticed that they aren’t alone as someone always walking beside them. Whether it’s a friend, family or lover… I’m very sure that they aren’t alone like me. I sighed, turning at the sky through a clear window before staring at an empty sit in front of me while slurping my cold soft drink.
I sighed once more before noticing that someone is glancing at me. Our eyes meet but then, we switched our eyes at another place. I didn’t know he could feel my existence here because nobody eyes did that as they are busy looking at other peoples. After a few minutes, I peeked at the person who was looking at and surprisingly… He is still looking at me and our eyes meet once more. I just blinked and stare at him and then… he curved a smile at his lips making me shocked. Before I could do anything, my phone rang. It’s my mom.
I answered the call and clicked the red button once I know where I should meet my mom. I lifted the food tray and place my waste inside the waste box. It’s kinda weird if peoples saw me doing this but I’m used to because it’s a self-service. We shouldn’t really just leave the waste on the table; instead we should place them in the right place. That’s why I did it.
Before I left the McDonald restaurant, I glanced at the place he supposed to sit but he isn’t there anymore menaing, he already left this place. I just smiled and turn around to where my mom waits. Hoping that someday... if it was a fate... we will meet again.
Heh, ehe~ that's all and I think this story lifted my mood a little bit when I wrote it again. I never thought I could write it at where many humans gather but guess... it went well~
So, that all. Like in the story, after finish writing my mom called and there's actually a missed call... because I was too concentrate on writing. Anyway... ja ne~
Labels: Daily-daily final school-life, ObservationYumeThought