Japanese Urban Legends.
Tuesday, April 16 | 0 comments

I don't really understand why I search for the urban legends but I find them interesting and a very good ghost-story book. I'll copy and paste the one I'm interested in here. The rest are for your own to search.
Oh, I'm also placing the how-to-do-it here. If any of your wanna try, then its your own risk and do not blame me for your own
Aka Manto is a spirit which haunts bathrooms, usually the last toilet stall in the women's/girl's bathroom. Some versions describe him as wearing a mask to cover his extremely handsome face, which had caused him stalking problems in life. When the unlucky victim is on the toilet, a mysterious voice will ask them if they want red paper or blue paper.
-If you answer red paper, you are killed violently and drenched in blood.
-If you ask for blue, you are strangled or bled dry, leaving your face/skin blue.
Attempting to ask for any other colour of paper will result in hands appearing (sometimes coming out of the toilet you're sitting on), that will drag you into the fires of hell. In other versions the ghost will simply ask you if you want a red vest and will then rip the skin from your back. He could also ask you if you want a red or blue cloak.
The only answer that will spare the person is to refuse anything he offers.
The ritual below is very dangerous, so please make sure you observe everything written in the instructions if you ever try it. Also, if your shoulders start to feel cold or heavy, you must not try at all.
1.) After midnight (around 2-3 AM) before you go to sleep, lie down and look at the four corners of the ceiling one by one, slowly and counterclockwise, starting from the corner that is closest to the north.
2.) Do step one three times slowly, counterclockwise.
3.) Cross your arms on your chest and chant “On-beiro-kya-mashironi-sowaka” three times.
4.) Still keeping your arms crossed, imagine a woman with long, black hair in white kimono covered in blood slowly coming toward you.
5.) When she arrives in front of you, stop imagining.
6.) Uncross your arms, turn off the lights to make the room as dark as possible, and go to sleep.
7.) If done correctly, a woman in white kimono covered in blood will appear in your dream.
-If she comes close to you, you mustn’t speak to her.
-If she asks for your name, don’t tell her.
-If she starts muttering something into your right ear, shake her off by waving your right hand. Doing so should wake you up.
After you have woken up, make sure to look around the room. If you don’t see the woman’s black shadow lurking in any of the corners, you are safe.
I can never play this one. My room have a lot of corners and I just want a nice nap plus, nice dream without being disturb.
Kokkuri-san is the most well-known scary game in Japan. It is similar to the ouija board and often played by Japanese schoolchildren who want to summon a spirit so that they can ask questions about the future.
You need:
-At least two people
-A sheet of paper
-A Pen
-A Coin
Step 1: Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a “torii“ at the top of the page in red ink. Write “YES” and “NO” on either side of of the torii. Beneath this, write one row of numbers (from 0-9) and three rows of letters (A-Z)
Step 2: Open a window or a door so that the spirit will be able to enter the room . The torii represents the gateway to a Shinto shrine and the spirit will enter and exit through it.
Step 3: Place a coin on the red torii. Each person should put their index finger on it.
Step 4: Call the spirit by saying “Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you’re here, please move this coin.” You can ask the spirit whatever you want and it will move the coin to spell out the answer.
Step 5: To end the game, you must ask the spirit to leave by saying, “Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, please return home.” The coin will move to “YES” and will then come to a rest on the red torii.
Step 7: When you are certain that the spirit has left, you must destroy the paper. Either tear it up or burn it. The coin you used must also be spent before the end of the next day.
Note: Kokkuri-san is not dangerous and is a much safer alternative to the ouija board. However, it is still not recommended that you play because many people can become upset or depressed if they receive answers they do not like. Also, keep in mind that Kokkuri-san can be a bit of a trickster spirit and can easily lie to you.
You will dream for ten days in succession. Each dream comes with a rule you must follow.
Warning: If you hear this story, you might end up having the same dream within three days.
1st day:
You will dream that you are sleeping in your room. Then you will notice a girl peeping through the window.
1st rule:
You must let the girl in.
2nd day:
The girl is inside your room. She is looking downward and you cannot see her face because of her long hair. She is muttering something ― after a while, you realize she is saying ”Please…Please….”
2nd rule:
Let her come into the bed and lie down next to you.
3rd day:
You and the girl are lying side by side. You are now able to see the girl’s face.
Her face is horribly burnt.
3rd rule:
Do not cry out when you see her face.
4th day:
You get out of the bed.
The girl says “Let’s go to the park.”
4th rule:
Take the girl to the nearest park without saying a word.
5th day:
When you arrive at the park you will notice someone pushing a stroller.
Look closely and you will notice that the mother is a cat and the baby is a dog.
5th rule:
You must kill either one of them.
6th day:
While you are playing with the girl in the park, you will see an airship about to take off.
6th rule:
Make sure you get on the airship in time.
7th day:
The airship is full of people who, just like you, have heard this story.
7th rule:
Find a seat for yourself at any cost.
8th day:
After some time, red roses and black roses start raining down you.
8th rule:
Throw out only the black roses from the airship.
9th day:
The airship takes you back to the park.
9th rule:
Go home with the girl and lie down in the bed again.
The 10th day:
You will not know what happens on the 10th day unless you have observed all of the rules from the previous days. You should also tell this story to someone while you are awake, otherwise you will go back to the 1st day of the dream.
I have found this is the most interesting one and I wouldn't mind playing(?) since its not life on the line and it doesn't disturb with my reality.
Satoru-kun is a Japanese urban legend about a game that people play to find out the answer to any question. According to the legend, Satoru-kun is a Japanese spirit, ghost, or demon who appears in the form of a young boy. he knows everything about the past, present, and future and can answer question he is asked. You just have to perform the following ritual to summon him.
You will need:
-Cell phone
-Coin operated public payphone
Step 1: Insert the money into the payphone and dial your own cell phone number.
Step 2: Repeat the following chant: “Satoru-kun, Satoru-kun, please come here. Satoru, Satoru, please show yourself. Satoru, Satoru, please answer me if you are there.”
Step 3: After that, hang up the public phone and turn off your cell phone.
If you did everything right, you will receive a phone call from Satoru-kun within twenty-four hours. When he calls the first time, he will tell you where he is then hang up. He will call you several times and each time, he will be closer and closer to where you are.
The last time he calls, he will say, “I am behind you now.”
This is the time to quickly ask your question.
-Don’t turn around or try to look at him
-Don’t touch him
-Don’t call him if you do not have a question to ask
-When he is behind you, do not delay. Ask the question immediately.
If you break any of these rules, you will die and Satoru will drag you down to hell. It would be wise to think of your question in advance.
The Answer Man is an urban legend about a game that is played by kids in Japan. They say the game can invoke an evil spirit that will answer any question given to it.
You need:
- Ten people who each own a cell phone
Step 1: Gather ten people in a loose circle. Each person must have the cell phone number of the person to their left.
Step 2: On the count of three, each person presses the call button to contact the person on their left
Step 3: Everyone puts their phone to their ear and listens
Because everyone is calling each other at the same time, all of the phones should be busy and nobody should receive an answer.
However, one person will find that their call is mysteriously answered and they will hear a voice on the other end of the line.
This is the Answer Man.
When you are on the phone with the Answer Man, you can ask him anything. He will answer whatever questions you choose to ask him. However, after he gives you your answer, he will have a question for you. They say that if you answer his questions incorrectly or are unable to give an answer, a large gnarled hand will appear from the phone and tear off a piece of your body.
If you happen to be a snotty pubescent walking alone one day, you might consider taking a different route if you are suddenly approached by a female figure in a trench-coat. Now, before you assume that this will be a harmless display of kibbles and bits, rest assured: You will be shown something. Unfortunately, it will not be the coveted boobies.
The Kuchisake-Onna will appear as a tall woman in a trench-coat with long, black hair. Her most telling feature is the surgical mask covering the bottom half of her face. She will approach you and ask you a question: "Am I beautiful?"
If you reply, "No!" Your troubles are over. Mainly because she will produce a comically oversized pair of scissors and remove your head. Ah! You're thinking, So I'll answer "yes!" In which case she will remove her mask to reveal her grotesquely mutilated face, her smile sliced from ear to ear. "Am I still beautiful?" She will ask again.
If you have some kind of twisted Joker fetish and reply, "yes", she will take the aforementioned scissors, chase you down, and slice you in half. If you reply "no", she'll do it anyway. Some people just can't be satisfied. (pffft xDD)
If you don't fancy a haircut with too much off the top, your best bet is a neutral reply, such as "You're so-so", or "average". This will confuse the Split Mouth Woman, giving you just enough time to run like all the hounds of hell are at your heels (or in this case, a crazy bitch with a giant pair of scissors)
Because Japan just loves to punish you for basic bodily functions, this urban legend takes place in a washroom: specifically the third stall from the end of any elementary school washroom (in some variations, it's on the third floor). Unlike the previous urban legends, where the creatures will come at you unprovoked, Hanako needs to be summoned. Though the idea of luring a ghostly little girl into an empty bathroom falls further from "scary urban legend" and closer to "that paedophile on the news last week" than we'd like.
In order to call Hanako, you need to do the polite thing and knock three times on her stall door. This is usually accompanied by calling out, "Are you there, Hanako-san?"
If you are greeted with a reply, "Yes, I'm here!", apart from pissing your pants in terror, you can push open the stall door to reveal Hanako. Said to be a little girl with bobbed black hair and a red skirt, the outcome of your courage (or dumbfounding retardation) differs: Hanako-san will vanish or, for the more shit out of luck (in every sense of the word), you will be pulled into the toilet and killed.
If you knock on her stall and receive a reply (and assuming you don't immediately break the laws of physics during your escape), you still have the opportunity to walk away if you do not open the door. If, however, you insist on cornering little girls in toilet stalls, you may have just enough time after seeing Hanako to make a break for the exit and escape.
Labels: Light_Novel-Manga-Game-Anime