My LEG!! Just NOW!!
Wednesday, July 18 | 0 comments

One word; Funny xD a car(teacher) and two Aquarius students riding motorcycle just wait in front of the gate until the gate-keeper let us through~
Ah, ごめんね I was suppose to talked about my leg or more clearly, my feet. My left feet... was stepped on by a car, my dad's car. Oh, I'm not joking around. It's true. Kaki kiriku dipijak oleh tayar kereta.
=_= Hmm~ Does it hurt? I don't know. Usually, in my imagination it will hurt like hell because I heard my cat screamed when it's leg was trampled by my mom's car. However, thank god it didn't hurt much. Or it will hurt tomorrow(?)
At that time, I was walking out from the car and before I can get away from the car, my dad proceed forward and then... I felt something heavy on my leg =_= looking down... the car's tire is on top of my feet. I was shocked... VERY SHOCKED. I just blinked and thought, 'it doesn't hurt much... or... the pain will come soon...?!!' *panicked*
Then, I yelled, "BAPAK(dad)! Reverse the car! Reverse THE CAR! KAKI KAKAK(my leg)!!" With that... it's a disaster especially when my legs suddenly started shivering and I fall on the ground right after my dad moved the car.
Dread concurred me when I imaged that my feet will start bleeding or some bones broke or something like that ;_______; but then... when I remove my shoe and socks... my leg's thumb is turning red color but there's no bleeding. THANK GOD!! ;_____________;
I think there will be some bruise tomorrow but my feet looked fine although I can't stand for long because my feet will start shivering and automatically falls on the floor again. My dad already put some oil and... when my bro said my dad going to massage it... =___= *remembered when Sajidah got her leg sprained, massaged by gate-keeper, she cried and scream out loud (+) cursing me... because it's really hurt*
O____o can I skipped the massage thingy? ---but never said it like always. My dad massaged it and still... I feel nothing. Not hurt at all! Not even a little bit... While my dad massaged it, he kept asking, "Does it hurt? Does it hurt?" along wit my brother.
=__= emotionlessly, I said I don't feel any pain at all.
Conclusion; perhaps it's because my shoe is bigger than my leg and have tick sponge on it, added with tick sock, that's why it doesn't hurt much and my feet is A-OK! *feeling very grateful* :'D
Oh~ before I want to end this post, there's a reason I want to go to school tomorrow even with my feet bandaged. The reason is... FOODDDD!!! xDD My class going to make a small 'jamuan kelas' before Ramadhan this Saturday/Friday.
My teacher going to bring Mee Rebus :d , classmates going to bring Chocolate Cake, Nasi himpit, kuah kacang, Mash potatoes+meat, drinks etc! Me? I'm going to bring some sandwiches. Will be making them tomorrow early in the morning with my mommy~ egg sandwiches and sardin sandwiches.
I just hoped that everyone will like the sandwiches I made beacuse I rarely going into the kitchen except to get some food. Last time, I did make some sambal kentang (DELICIOUS!) but I don't want to stay in the kitchen for long due to some reason. ごめんね~
Well then, じゃね〜
Labels: Daily-daily final school-life