Girl's Fear
Saturday, July 7 | 0 comments

What happened yesterday was unexpected because at that time, me, classmates and Norzy-Sensei were discussing Pengajian Am Section C about Nano Technology. Then, the topic flies to susuk(traditional treatment using black magic to make girls become beautiful. It's FORBIDDEN for Islam because susuk is messing with the recycle of life and god's gift). Susuk is somehow related to nano techno because nano techno helps to make the face/body cream become smooth(?) =_= kinda forget what the NorzySensei said. Then, after susuk... the topic suddenly flies to... giving birth...
The boy in my class was absent at that day because of something with my classmates but it's got nothing to do with me. Anyway, there's no male around the class at that time. So, the teacher just blunt all of them out about period, women's towel and pregnancy. She said there's three types of how we giving birth in natural ways...
(Breaking this post. If want to go further... just go ahead. Not stopping... I think... this is a knowledge for girls who are 18+ but below can know too at your own risk.)
The three ways...
First; the baby comes out right after the bag of water(air Ketuban) breaks. Less hurt.
Second; The baby comes out a few minutes after the water breaks. Normally. And...
Third; The baby comes out with bloods. The MOST hurt one. They said it's the second most hurt after death.
The third one... when I looked around all I an say is... everyone was terrified and they looked like they wanted to cry when heard the teacher's story. I am... included as well. I think... I'm the one that feared the stories THE MOST! I shivered hardly, wanted to collapse, cries because of the fear listening. <--the bad things if you have strong imaginative head... you can know how hurts it is and the pain.) When Jewel saw my face, she laughed but all I can see... her tears in coming too... :/ everyone in the classroom is... Then... I began tapping my hands on the table to calm myself but then... "Shut up!" ---Jewel said to me.
What can I do? I'm scared...
Anyway, in Malaysia, they said that if the baby won't come out... we have to operate to safe the baby's life. In west countries, they gave birth in water(most less hurt).... You know what... It's kinda embarrassing to talk about these things because I don't know whether there's male readers in my blog or not. So... directly... after that NorzySensei said about what boy's like when had...
Finally, after talking about the pregnant etc we realized that we didn't even finished discussing about the question and the answers. xD Then, Norzy Sensei walk out the class, leaving the answers of the nano techno empty, just like that...
Nevertheless, something unexpected thing happened...
Classmates// Ehh~ AzSensei(male teacher).
AzSensei// *peeks through the back door*
Me// =w= Sensei... what are you doing there?
AzSensei// Stalking you girls.
Me and classmates// =____= huh? Y U always like that?
AzSensei// *walks inside the class*
Me// *something popped out in my head* Sensei, did sensei heard what we talked about with Norzyensei?
AzSensei// Yeah, since I was waiting till NorzySensei come out. I arrived early... Veeeery Early *smirk*
Me and classmates// O-O WHAAAAAT?!! *everyone blushed hardly*
Classmates// O____O to-toilet! *rush out*
Me// OwO *dieeeees of embarrassment* Can I cry right now, sensei?
AzSensei// ....
Everyone// Go ahead.
Me// *knock myself on the table*
And so... this is what happened. During the next classes, my mind become hazy... *staaaares at the white board while eating Cream-O cookies to calm me down(shivering/cries/fear), sharing with some of my friends*
And then... The END of my most feared day~
Labels: Daily-daily final school-life