Kuroko no Basuketo.
Wednesday, May 16 | 0 comments

Ah... wrong. It's actually Kuroko no Basket or The Basketball which Kuroko plays. Kuroko no 'Basuketo' is just a habit of mine pronouncing it in Japanese language.
Anyway, I just read this manga recently and just finished till the newest chapter. There's also the Anime on going but I have to wait because it's weekly updates.
I got tired of waiting, so I go straight to the manga.
One thing for sure, I never expected to watch a sport genre anime again. My last one is watching Slam Dunk in Animax and also Ookiku Furikabute.
I'm also glad that I could kill some times till K anime come out.
This anime is a highly recommended because it seems this anime/manga has become more popular lately. Not only that, this series is very interesting with the plot and all.
Kuroko is a member from the legendary middle school basketball team known as "The Generation of Miracles", and while nobody seems to know about him, the main 5 players of the team all admit that he is a better player. When he joins the high school basketball team, everyone is surprised to find out that he is small, weak, and easy to miss. What is the secret that makes him so strong, and how will he help his high school team?

This is the team members of Kiseki no Sedai/
The Generations of Miracles.
Interesting, nee? Right now, Kiseki no Sedai separated with each other and joins different schools to see who wins. I'm not really sure but the six of them made an oath that still not revealed yet(?). But I think the oath is obviously figured.
Alright then. Hope you guys enjoy this series too! I need to study for exam now :3 Or not xD
Ja ne!
Labels: Light_Novel-Manga-Game-Anime