Entry 15 - Many things to say...
Thursday, March 17 | 0 comments
Firstly, I found out that SPM result is out on 23 March *sob*
I've been waiting for the REAL date to appeared!
Hope it's not fake again.
However, the person said IS a teacher AND her husband is a PRINCIPAL!
Maybe, it's TRUE! *panic* KYAAA!
Hopefully, I get a good result!
Pray for me!
Owh, wait a minute...
Don't forget to pray for Japan too!
I can't believe that my fav country(after Malaysia ;DD) hit by tsunami and there's some explosion!
But very thing is possible in the REAL world.
Let's just pray and hope there's nothing worst going to happen in Japan and hoped that our country is save.(Amin)
While I wasn't online, I did bored things like;
Playing GBA, Riviera - The Promised Land and drawing.
This is a pic of Aki, Yume and Ryou.
I captured this with my phone(bad quality huh?) and it's still UN-finish!
I thought I'm going to finish it today but then,
I have to go out and do some stuff.
Kinda bored since my lil' sis got everyone's attention b'cuz she just back from hostel.
So, I just sat on the chair, listening music <333 Ah~ Love you; Juned, Maaya and Yui Makino. (Never forget about Fukuen-sama!)
Since my sis is back, she's control EVERYTHING!
*annoyed* She got mp4 and remote control! I CAN'T WATCH KEKKAISHI!
I only get a chance when she's not watching anything that has to do with 'Korean'.
Gosh, it's not like I dislike Korean. In fact I like it!(but Korea never can beat Japan!)
Like the song tittles;; 'When the door is closed' <333 and 'Like a Star' <33 Breath IN Breath OUT! <3333 BEAST! <333
BUT, I can't stand listening everyday!
The BEAUtiful MUSIC singed by MY lil' sis... *sigh*

Well anyway, that's that.
Now, I'm going to read Kijiya Vol. 5~
New type of cover?! Kind of COOL <33
I also can't wait for Maid Maiden Thursday! XDD
And there's a new book but my lil' sis hide it... (I don't even know what it's tittle...)
Like she can hide it from meh~
Going to find IT!!
Bu-BYE!*close book*
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